My Statement

'To me art is an adventure into an unknown world, which can be explored only by those willing to take the risk' - Mark Rothko

I am intrigued by form, colour, line, texture, patterns and shape.

Nature, design, architecture, interiors all fasinate my imagination.

Years of observation have formulated a collective consciousness in my body to translate into movement and flow when engaged in art translation.

This captive moment is all encompassing, swinging my shadow moods to bare themselves on the canvas.

There is a subsequent dance that takes place in this relationship between myself and the canvas which allows the spiritually intuitive response to melodically unfold in a natural flow of events.

Defining characterists of this movement is witnessed in the body of my works. Each day mysteriously portraying a different flow depending on the universal rhythms of that day.

The story on the canvas reveals an expression of itself after the abstraction has been articulated and the invitation of sight as a viewer not an artist is the final revelation. Observation with different eyes will hence reveal a different meaning and evoke a new experience.

The soul who purchases my art will invariable have a multi-dimensional experience of my work. New reveals and new stories will entice their brain each day they engage with the canvas, unlocking a doorway of expansion into the mind and imagination of new awakenings.

I invite you to encounter a time and space with a composition of work of mine that evokes an emotion in the depths of your feelings and allow the moment of escape to take you to your place of space and time.